Kristal Cameron Nominated to run as Republican Nominee for Flat Rock Magistrate



Kristal Cameron

 PARIS, Kentucky - August 16, 2023: The Bourbon County Republican Party has officially appointed Kristal Cameron of Little Rock as the Republican nominee for the recently vacated Flat Rock district magisterial seat.

 Kristal, her husband Tracy, their daughter Trina, and a plethora of animals have lived in Little Rock for nearly 20 years and have been an active part of the Paris / Bourbon County community for most of their lives.

 “I consider having this opportunity both an honor and a privilege,” said Mrs. Cameron. “I love my community and all of those in it, and I believe that serving in this role is one way to not only give back, but to help preserve a better future for my child, and her children.”

 Both Kristal and Tracy Cameron graduated in Bourbon County and have owned businesses and developed rental properties in several areas in and around Paris. Currently, Kristal serves the community as a Licensed Massage Therapist and property manager.

 “While I believe Bourbon County is great, there are things we could be doing better,” Cameron added. “There are needs in this community not being met. We need responsible growth and sound policy decisions being made, and I hope to be able to do that for the people of the Flat Rock magisterial district.”

 With years of entrepreneurial and leadership experience, Kristal is well known throughout Bourbon County. You may also know her and her family from their famed barn in Little Rock that features the American Flag on its roof. Kristal and the Cameron family have been a critical facet in the life of the Flat Rock district, as well as the life of the Bourbon County and Paris Independent school systems.

 Because of her personal investment, the local school systems are at the forefront of her political interest. Being a graduate of Bourbon County High School, Kristal has found a passion for the school system and preserving a life worth living for the next generation. Her daughter, Trina, began her education at Cane Ridge, and during this time Kristal was a member of the PTO for six years. For a number of those years, she served as PTO Vice President and later became President of the association. In this capacity, Kristal was vital in coordinating fundraising events to benefit the children, as well as being a long-standing benefactor of the Backpack program. Recently, Kristal has been front and center in the life of her daughter as well as the lives of other students on the Bourbon County High School Tennis Team, both as a booster and an assistant to the coaching staff.

 In addition to her involvement with the local school systems, Kristal has supported local charities around the community as well. As a part-time fitness instructor for the Paris / Bourbon County YMCA, Kristal diligently worked alongside members as they fought for their health goals. As an animal lover, Kristal has been a long-time supporter of PAWS and other charitable animal welfare groups and regularly donates much-needed food and supplies.

 “Kristal is the obvious choice in this race, and I can say without a doubt that the Bourbon County Republican Party is behind her all the way,” said Bourbon County GOP Chairman Mike Lunsford. “The party by and large is impressed with Kristal’s leadership and extensive résumé. I look forward to seeing her begin her service as a magistrate in a time that the Flat Rock district needs it most.”

 In short, Kristal has lived in this community, raised a family in this community, served this community, and knows the people. She has a connection with the people of Bourbon County because she is a person of Bourbon County.

 For more information about Kristal or the Bourbon County Republican Party, please visit their respective Facebook pages. The Bourbon County GOP meets every second Monday of the month at 6 PM at the Landworks Farm on Hume Bedford Rd.

 The 2022 Annual Fall BBQ was a huge success. It was a beautiful night and we want to thank everyone who participated! We would also like to thank Broken Arrow BBQ, Maiden City Brewing and Landworks Farm.